Thotyola Handloom was started in 2014 by Yaomila Zimik. Yaomila is driven and has a strong zeal to provide employment to small time weavers and keep the traditional skills alive. They have various units with staff engaged as Trainer, at the Production unit, Tailoring unit, Embroidery and weaving unit and directly working with weavers and tailors dealing with mostly traditional clothes. They have around 30 permanent staff (weavers and tailors) and 5 part time staff. The reason this unit is started is to back their strong sense of protecting their traditional skill of weaving and preserving the age-old cultural products and patterns with designs specific to each Tribe in Manipur and the whole North East.
Their products are -Wraparound plain, Talui centenary shawl, Traditional Ladies bag , Chonkhom Shawl, Traditional Wraparound, Seichang Shawl, Scarf, Naga Kashan, Rose Kashan, Normal design wrap around, neck tie.
Thotyola is from Cohort 2.0 of Project Her&Now.