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Sem Haokip

His heart runs faster than his mind. With such strong emotions in his heart, Sem Haokip envisioned ELIM, an organization that enables the poor to generate sustainable income by linking their indigenous skills & local resources to markets. 


Sem sees ELIM as a means to restore self dignity and community life by connecting the existing market channels with the vibrant culture, handicrafts and cultivation in rural Manipur. His inner compass moves him towards creating an impact that positively affects in the lives of others. 


Dhriiti is working with Sem to transform his vision into a financially viable, ecologically sustainable and socially impactful enterprise. The incubation process involves a FSE-ible model with systems for implementation, organization development, and a robust value chain. In support with Dhriiti SEM is working on a zero-waste-multi purpose food processing unit. Sem is also working with conflict ridden communities promoting employment and sustainable livelihood through crafts and culture. 

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